Marcos F
Time Zone: GMT
Languages: Portuguese
Accents: European Portuguese
Age Range: Adult (31-45 years), Middle-Aged (46-60 years)
Brands: Adidas, Mercedes, DHL, HP, Wallapop, Playstation, Michelin, Fnac, Daikin, Emirates, Coca Cola, Fluke, WD-40, Cheetos, Sage, Legrand, Siemens, European Union and the United Nations, to mention a few.
About Marcos F
"I'm Marcos, Portuguese voice-over talent based in Lisbon, Portugal. I was born in 1979 and started my career around microphones in 2002 working in radio. In 2006 I began doing voice-overs as a side job and, in 2021, became a full time VO. I now work daily at my own studio.
I have a low male tone of voice, close to the "voice of god", as some say. But the style of voice acting is modern, as I would say!"
Studio Setup
Industry standard professional broadcast studio set-up
Commercial Demo
Corporate Demo
E-Learning Demo
These voice demos are provided for audition purposes only and are strictly prohibited from being used for AI training, voice synthesis, or any artificial intelligence applications