Valeria Z
Time Zone: PST
Languages: French
Accents: French (Parisian)
Age Range: Child (5-12 years), Teen (13-18 years) , Young Adult (19-30 years), Adult (31-45 years)
Brands: Amazon, Courtyard, Koch, Gopraxis, MediaQ, Novartis... for corporate work. Hulu, Disney +, Wild Brain, Benesse, Netflix, Amazon... for voice acting and dubbing.
About Valeria Z
Seasoned voice talent with over 15 years of experience as a voice talent, voice director and casting director. Corporate, VO, animation, dubbing, commercials... French (native- Parisian), English (US, slightly accented), Spanish (LAS native). Versatile voice actress with a warm, friendly voice, with a wide age and pitch range, experienced in character voices.
Studio Setup
Industry standard professional broadcast studio set-up
Commercial Demo
E-Learning Demo
Narration Demo
These voice demos are provided for audition purposes only and are strictly prohibited from being used for AI training, voice synthesis, or any artificial intelligence applications