Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy – Looking After Your Personal Data is a trading name of PVP Multimedia Ltd.

PVP Multimedia Ltd. UK Company Registration No: 06809923

This privacy policy will change from time to time, particularly if we change the way we collect or use your personal information, so do check back here every now and then. It was last updated on 13th March 2024.

At PVP Multimedia Ltd, we fully understand how important privacy is to every one of our visitors and customers. We collect, use, store and retain your personal data in line with data protection legislation. This privacy notice aims to provide as much information as possible to help you understand how we look after your data, what your legal rights are in relation to that information – and how you can contact us if you have any questions or queries about how we look after your personal information.

How is your Personal Information Used – The Basics

There are a number of ways that your personal information will be collected when you make contact with PVP Multimedia Ltd – mostly though it is so that we can respond to queries you send, or to process orders you have made.

You can contact us via email through
• Voiceover.Cafe website (contact page)
• Voiceover.Cafe website (Get a Quote)
• Our Facebook Page
• LinkedIn
• Email

When we receive your message, the details you provide will be kept to answer your query or process your order.

If you purchase from us, these systems are used for processing payments:
• You will be sent an invoice via email

If you purchase services from us, your order which is normally in the form of a digital file will be posted to you as an attachment via email, shared as a Dropbox link or via Wetransfer.
Whenever you choose to correspond electronically – information about you is collected by those sites. The following sections explain in a bit more detail about what data is collected and how. We cannot control exactly how each site processes your data – but we have made checks to ensure that those sites are GDPR compliant – and at the end of the policy you will find links to the privacy policy for each organisation if you want to know more.

PVP Multimedia Ltd and Marketing Materials

Voiceover.Cafe currently has a monthly newsletter which we send out to contacts who have shared their contact details with us over many years. These contacts are past and present clients, contacts we have met at outside exhibitions and connections from our social media sites including Facebook and LinkedIn.

We use Mailchimp for mass mailing our Monthly Newsletter and for the past 2 years and there is always an ‘Unsubscribe from this list’ link at the bottom of the page should the recipient wish to unsubscribe and no longer wish to receive future newsletters.

How your Personal Information is Used

In this section, we try to explain they type of information we will collect or process, why we do that and how it is done. We can only process your information if we have a “legal basis” for doing that. There are 6 of those listed in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this notice, we explain which of these apply in each case.

Website Usage Data

If you visit our website, we may process data about your use of the site (this is technically called “usage” data”). This would include information like what pages you visit, how long you spend on the site, if you got to our website through a link somewhere else or how often you visit our website. Our website platform is WordPress. This type of information is gathered to help to continuously improve the website and services. We do not currently have any analytic software or plug-ins attached to the website.
Legal Basis – Legitimate Interest: administration of our website and services. Some usage information is also collected by Facebook– to allow us to see where visitors are based and how they found those pages. We do not have access to the personal information gathered by these though – only the statistics.

Contact and Enquiry Information

We may process information about you to answer your query or process an order. This may include your name, address, email address, postal address and telephone number – depending on what information you provide to us. We will receive this either directly from you for example in an email, FB message or through the contact form on our website. In all cases we receive only the information you choose to provide – and it will be used to correspond with you until your query is resolved. (If correspondence leads to a purchase we will require and process further information )
Legal Basis – Consent OR the performance of a contract between you and us, and/or taking steps, at your request to enter into a contract OR legitimate interests, in particular, managing relationships with our customers.

Feedback and Other Information That You Send to Us

We may process information you send to us for publication on our website – for example, if you email feedback on an order you have received, we may share this on our website and/or social media platforms. We will always ask you if it is OK to use your personal information in this way.
Legal basis – Consent: if you have sent this information by private communication channels (such as email) then we will ask for your consent to publish this. (NOTE – if you have posted the information on any of our public sites (social media channels) we do not require consent as you have chosen to make this public – and it is therefore exempt from data protection provisions. However, we will endeavour to contact you to check if it may be shared on other social media channels)

Safeguarding Confidentiality: Our Commitment to Secure Collaboration

We have a robust NDA protocol in place, requiring all talents, service providers, and partner studios to sign comprehensive agreements prior to commencing work. These agreements strictly prohibit the disclosure, transmission, or use—whether directly or indirectly—of any confidential information, data, or documents shared with us during the course of our collaboration with PVP Multimedia. Additionally, no third party is permitted to access or handle such materials without prior written authorization from PVP Multimedia. This ensures that all sensitive information remains secure, reinforcing our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality and professionalism.

Legal Requirements

We may process any of the personal information mentioned in this policy – where necessary – for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, whether in court proceedings or in an administrative or out of court procedure. We may process personal information for the purposes of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, or obtaining professional advice in relation to business risk – however, this is unlikely.

Legal Basis – Legitimate Interest: The protection and assertion of our legal rights, your legal rights and the rights of others; the protection of our business against business risk.
We may also process personal information where we are required to do so to comply with any legal obligations to which we are subject – or where it is necessary to protect our vital interests or the vital interests of anyone else. (As specified in relevant legislation).

Is your data transferred outside of the UK or EU?

PVP Multimedia Ltd. is based in the UK, and only accesses your information on devices in the UK. All our websites are hosted here in the UK. However, our email system (Gmail for Business) and the social media platforms are not all based in the UK/EU. This means that the data you provide may be held outside of the UK/EU – but I have made checks to make sure those companies comply are safe to use, and that they also comply with all the relevant information. (This means they either have server in the UK/EU – or they are part of an agreement called the “Privacy Shield”. I’ve included links to the privacy information for each of them at the end of this document.

Using Cookies

Sorry – not the nice chocolate chip kind. Most website use cookies that store little bits of information on your computer when you visit. They are used to make websites work correctly. The data they use isn’t really data about you – it’s more about the device you use to access the website, and the location of the device. PVP Multimedia websites uses the DYNSERV cookie. This is necessary for the website to function. This cookie is issued each time you visit our website, to identify you (well your device) as a unique user, purely for access and security purposes. It is retained only for that active browser session You can set your browser to block cookies, but some websites may not work if you do that.

How long do we keep data

How long we keep you data will depend on why we have it. Mostly – it’s not long – we only keep your data as long as we need to answer your query or process your order. If you are a regular customer, we may keep your address or email information longer, so we don’t need to keep asking you every time – but we will ask if that is OK – and you can ask us to remove your details at any time.

We are required to keep our invoices and details of sales etc – which might include your name and address, and sometimes your email address. This is a requirement – should we need to submit information to HMRC. But like everything else we do – that information is kept safe and secure and accessed only by PVP Multimedia Ltd‘s staff.

Your Rights

Data Protection legislation is in place to help protect your personal information – and give you control over how it is used. It gives you rights associated with your data, the main ones are listed below. They won’t always apply in every circumstance – but we will explain it to you if you choose to exercise any of your rights.
• Right to access – you can request copies of any information we hold about you
• Right to rectification – If you believe we have any of you details wrong, you can ask us to correct them
• Right to Erasure – You can ask us to delete any information we hold about you. This will apply only when we do not have a legal basis to retain that information.
• Right to Restrict or Object to Processing – this is controlling exactly what data we hold – you can ask us to stop using certain data or stop carrying out certain processes.
• The right to complain to a “Supervisory Authority” – an organisation that oversees Data Protection. This could be the Authority where you live, where you work – or the one for the UK, where we are based, which is the Information Commissioners Office.

As already mentioned – where we rely on consent to process your data, you can withdraw that consent at any time.
Our websites are owned by PVP Multimedia Ltd and operated by Dorian Williams, who can be contacted through
or by using the contact form on our website form. (A postal address can be provided on request). Dorian is also our data protection officer.

Join our Mailing list

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates on our adaption services, news, and exclusive offers.

Join Our Freelance Voiceover Roster

We do our best to listen to all submissions, but it may take up to 2 months. Please be patient with us during this time. We will reach out to voices we are interested in. If you haven’t heard from us within 2 months, unfortunately, it means we weren’t able to move forward with your submission this time.

We appreciate your understanding and wish you the best of luck!